Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August Nerdarchy Celebrity Partner Crate

This crate is stacked.

Dungeon Crate teamed up with Nerdarchy to curate this month’s crate, and there’s some awesome exclusive Nerdarchy branded and themed items you can use in your D&D and Pathfinder games.

Even if you’ve never heard of Nerdarchy til now, there’s a lot of great stuff to use on your game table in your next session. Everything in this box is something you can use in your RPG sessions.

Do you like dwarves? You’re gonna love this box.

Of course, this box once again contains a mini adventure module, and all the pieces in the box are useable in that module.

So, let’s get to it!

Whiskers in the Dark
Written by Dungeon Crate’s Floyd Cocklin, this four-page adventure involves the fellas from Nerdarchy. A trio of dwarves have been captured, and they need your help. The adventure has some baaaaad monsters and an incredibly ingenious trap that’ll take some clever roleplaying to pass. This month’s Digital Dungeon Crate has a bunch of extras for the adventure, including monster stats and extra artwork from Dungeon Doodles. It’s awesome.

 ArcKnight Minis
Included in this month’s box are six flat plastic miniatures - three dwarves, a gelatinous cube, a mind flayer and a roper. You know those cardboard pawns? This is what happens when they level up! ArcKnight prints them on clear plastic sheets, and the miniatures show a front and a back to each character and monster. They look slick on the game table. These are all usable in any game and they’re also part of Whiskers in the Dark.


Beardspiration tokens
Once again, these tie into the included adventure and are a nice little nod to the bearded gentlemen at Nerdarchy. These acrylic tokens lovingly crafted by Advanced Deployment are intended to use with the Inspiration mechanic in D&D 5th edition. Best used with dwarven PCs or your more hirsute friends.

Nerdarchy Dice Bag
Your dice bag is overflowing. Ours, too. Now you have some extra space with this neat little cloth bag sporting the Nerdarchy logo.

Mini Dice Tower
Dungeon Crate has delivered full-size dice towers in the past, but we dig this miniature design. Cut and assembled by Deep Dungeon Games, this small wooden dice tower is extremely portable and looks cool. It sports the Nerdarchy logo and it’s a great little item to make your dice rolls more random.

Rune Dice
Tired of stepping on sharp d4s? Or flipping a coin? These sweet little items from Q Workshop are about the size of a d6, but their rounded edges give them only four sides. They roll well, and they look cool, too. Plus, they’re edged in runes, making them great for your dwarf PC. We love unique dice.

Nerdarchy Button
Show your love for Nerdarchy! It’s a cool little button. Does your button have a goblin on it? You win a prize! Drop an e-mail to wayne@dungeoncrate.com.

Axe of Durin coin
More dwarf stuff! These coins are pretty sweet. Minted by Shire Post Mint, these “Lord of the Rings” coins depict the famed dwarf Durin, father of dwarves, on one side and his axe on the other. It also has a description in Angerthas runes about Durin

Treasure Deck
This is a replacement item from last month’s crate PLUS it’s an awesome item unto itself. Unfortunately, Nord Games had an issue with their printer and July’s crate included those decks. But the folks at Nord are super cool, and they replaced those decks with the proper ones in this month’s crate. So, if you subscribed last month, you’ll end up with two of these. (Share with a friend!) If you just joined up this month, bonus item!

Anyway, the decks were created for D&D 5th edition, and they let you randomize treasure in a dungeon by drawing a card. The deck has more than 200 items, keeping things interesting. Each deck has 52 cards, and each card has four treasure options. Each card has complimentary items, so you could use each one together. The deck is also used in the adventure, but you can use it for any game you’re playing.

A donation to charity

Feel good about getting Dungeon Crate this month. Or at least, feel even better than your normally do when opening your box of loot. A portion of every box went to charity. Nerdarchy chose Reading is Fundamental, which is committed to literacy. 

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