Monday, January 18, 2016

Thank You For An Amazing Launch!

Greetings Adventurers!

What an awesome launch!
We are overwhelmed and immensely excited about our launch on Wednesday! We were hoping for 200 subscriptions for the first month and we made 300 subscriptions in 5 DAYS! So we would like to say THANK YOU to all our subscribers, vendors, and supporters.

Founding Memberships
We had 25 slots open for Platinum Founding Members (annual subscriptions) and 100 open for Gold Founding Members (those purchasing 3-6 month subscriptions) and they all sold out by day 2! We have sent emails out to those that got the slots and will be sending out Founding Member bonus packs shortly after our first box goes into the mail.

Shipping dates
We opened enrollment on the 13th and realized that our service provider CrateJoy batches subscriptions on the 5th of each month and auto-renews on the 15th of each month. So in order to get you all your subscriptions before the next billing cycle, we are scrambling like mad to put together our first box to ship around the 8th of February. 

Limited first box!
We are capping our first box subscriptions at 500. This is mainly due to the ramped up shipping schedule of the first box as we were limited on the amount of boxes we could get by that date. If we hit 500 before the 5th, we will temporarily suspend enrollment from the 5th to the 15th. If not, we will leave it open and anyone that signs up after the 5th will be put on for the next month’s box. After that, we will be on track and enrollment will be open 24/7. Just remember that if you enroll after the 5th of any month, you’ll be on the list for the next month’s crate. Remember, if you decide to cancel your subscription, do it before the 5th of each month. 

T-shirt size issue
One issue that came up initially was not having all the available sizes for T-shirts on our initial launch product. We changed that quickly and now have sizes up to 5XL. We want you to know that we won’t be sending out many shirts over the year, but needed the sizes regardless. We have all the requested size changes and will ensure you get the right size when we mail out boxes with shirts.

 Help us spread the word!
Feel free to share our site with others. Check us out on facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Post a link to our site on group pages that allow it, and feel free to send us links to any video reviews. We’ll be hosting random drawings for prizes from our email list, facebook comments, and various posts we make in social media.

Again, thank you all so much for your support and patronage. We’re working hard to get things put together to bring you a killer box of stuff we hope you’ll love.


The Dungeon Crate Crew
Wayne Brekke
Bill Harvat

Laurie Brekke

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